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ATD Greater Atlanta

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Chapter Blog

Welcome to the ATD Atlanta Chapter's blog. Here, you will find posts from our Executive Board members. We also encourage our members to submit a blog post to be featured on our site. This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge and grow your brand.

  • 05 Dec 2022 11:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The holiday season is upon us; for many of us, it's time for holiday parties and work events. But what does this have to do with diversity and inclusion? A lot! Culture, religion, and the holidays can be sensitive subjects for some.

    Here are a few reminders about how diversity and inclusion in the workplace can help you navigate these waters:

    Celebrate diversity and inclusion in the workplace – this includes your dress code policy; make sure everyone knows what acceptable attire is, so no one feels excluded or singled out due to their religious beliefs or lack thereof. Be aware of others' beliefs – or lack thereof – when planning office parties around holidays like Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/etc. Observe how your language creates an inclusive culture (and undermines) or shuts people out (intentionally or unintentionally). Bring more awareness to your biases around holidays/traditions based on culture or religion by asking yourself questions like: Do we celebrate all major religions here at work? If not, why not?

    Take the opportunity to think about ways to foster diversity and inclusion during well-intentioned but potentially challenging gatherings.

    It's important to remember that everyone has different needs regarding how they want their identity recognized by others. Some people may prefer gender-neutral pronouns or no pronouns at all; some may not mind being called "Mr." but prefer "Ms.;" some may feel comfortable with gendered terms like "ladies first," while others might find this exclusionary. It doesn't matter if you're making small talk over cocktails or addressing the entire company at the office holiday party; always ask what makes others comfortable when referring to them in conversation—and remember that it's okay if you make mistakes!

    What does this have to do with diversity and inclusion?

    When many people think of diversity and inclusion, they picture it as an initiative or activity. They might see it as a goal to be achieved during the holiday season. While this mindset is understandable, considering how much we use these terms in our everyday lives, it's important to remember that diversity and inclusion are concepts that should be reflected throughout all seasons.

    Diversity and inclusion are about respecting people for who they are, no matter their race, gender identity, or sexual orientation—or anything else that makes them unique from one another—creating an open and safe workplace where employees can bring their whole selves to work and feel comfortable sharing ideas with others regardless of their differences (in other words, celebrating diversity).  By fostering environments where everyone feels included, you'll help make your company even more successful than before!

    Culture, religion, and the holidays can be sensitive subjects for some.

    Diversity and inclusion are important to everyone, but it can be especially important to consider these topics during the holiday season. The holidays are when we come together with friends and family, which means they're also when many people celebrate their own cultural or religious beliefs. Suppose you're hosting a Christmas party at work, for example. In that case, it's important to be sensitive toward your colleagues' holiday observances—especially if those celebrations conflict with what you might consider "traditional" Christmas traditions. Your goal should be inclusivity: create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable sharing their backgrounds and beliefs without fear of judgment or criticism from others.

    Navigating with diversity and inclusion in the workplace

    Diversity and inclusion in the workplace mean that everyone is treated with respect. It's not just about celebrating diversity but also about making sure that your employees feel welcome and included. A diverse workplace can help you create products or services that are more relevant to a broader audience because it gives you access to an array of perspectives.

    Strive to ensure everyone feels respected by being welcoming and inclusive (this is where diversity training comes in handy). At the same time, strive for diversity within each employee - treat them differently based on their needs and preferences so they can be their best selves at work!

    Celebrate diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

    To celebrate the holidays, take time to recognize the value of diversity and inclusion in your workplace. Celebrate diversity by recognizing that it is a part of every person's identity. There are no one-size fits all approaches to celebrating diversity and inclusion during this season. It can be as simple as acknowledging how much each employee contributes to the success of your company or team, or it could be as elaborate as creating an annual holiday party where everyone brings something they love from their own culture.

    Even if you are not religious, there are still ways you can celebrate the holidays without excluding anyone who does actively participate in religious traditions. For example: You could decorate with seasonal colors instead of red and green (the traditional colors associated with Christmas). This way, people can still have fun while being inclusive toward those who may not agree with certain aspects of Christianity, such as Santa Claus or other figures.

    Be aware of others' beliefs – or lack thereof.

    It is important to be aware of your colleagues' beliefs and values in a professional setting. If you are unsure about what someone is celebrating, ask them politely. This can help ensure that you have created a welcoming environment for all employees.

    If you do not know someone's belief system, or if they do not wish to share this with others at work, respect this choice by being sensitive to their privacy.

    Observe how your language creates an inclusive culture or shuts people out.

    • Observe how your language creates an inclusive culture or shuts people out.
    • Avoid using the word "Christmas," as well as other religiously based words like "Easter" and "Ramadan."
    • Instead, use phrases such as "the winter solstice," which is recognized by multiple religions and cultures; or say "winter festivals" instead of Christmas parties.
    • When speaking about events (such as holiday office parties), avoid using religious language—words like "holiday showers" or "holiday dinners" are more inclusive since they do not refer only to Christians.

    Bring more awareness to your own biases around holidays and traditions.

    Fostering a welcoming workplace environment means being aware of your own biases. Understanding how those biases might affect how you perceive others or even yourself. Whether we are aware of it, most of us have some bias in one way or another—and this doesn't make us bad people by default. There are many ways that we can overcome our biases and help create spaces where everyone feels comfortable regardless of their background or identity! Here's how:

    • Understand what a biased action is by asking yourself if it makes sense given the situation at hand.
    • Be aware when making decisions based on stereotypes instead of facts.
    • Think about why we do things in certain ways.

    The holiday season may be approaching, but the best gift you can give yourself is to embrace diversity and inclusion.

    Observe how your language creates an inclusive culture or shuts people out—you may not realize your words' impact on others. Phrases like "everyone should spend time with their family at home" or "it's okay when people take time off for religious observances" may be offensive. Consider whether you are unintentionally excluding some employees from participating in activities with their families.

    Be aware of others' beliefs—how we celebrate holidays has changed over time and continues evolving across cultures and religions. Using phrases like "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" so that you don't offend others that do not celebrate the same way.

    To foster a more inclusive workplace, you must start the process now. By becoming more aware of your office and community diversity, you'll be better prepared for the holiday season. By becoming more aware of your office and community diversity, you'll be better prepared when the holiday season rolls around. This will help ensure everyone feels welcomed and included at work parties and other events throughout the year!

  • 11 Nov 2022 7:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The term "quiet quitting" has been thrown around a lot lately, and it's easy to understand why: It's catchy, short, and sums up the concept of "quitting" in one word.

    But what if we took a step back and looked at the other end of the spectrum? What if we thought about how many people are quietly fired?

    Silent treatment is something that all of us have experienced at some point in our lives. It can be painful, confusing, and even infuriating. And yet it continues to happen all around us daily—in the workplace and beyond. Quietly fired. The term is as simple as it is powerful. It's an evocative phrase that helps us understand what it feels like to be treated unfairly, unkindly, and without respect by those who should know better—and how often this happens in the workplace. Quiet quitting and quiet firing are two sides of the same coin. They're examples of a company or manager trying to counteract a broken employee-employer relationship but in different ways.

    Quiet quitting is an act of civil disobedience: employees advocate for work-life balance or against a broken company culture by refusing to work overtime or take on herculean tasks. Quiet firing, on the other hand, is an attempt to create distance between an employee and their employer by shifting certain responsibilities away from them—hoping they'll disengage and leave on their own.

    On the surface, the idea of "quiet quitting" sounds positive. After all, it's better than being fired or laid off in front of your peers. But what if we took a step back and looked at the other end of the spectrum?

    What if we thought about how many people are quietly fired? Here's the thing: It's not just an idea. It's a very real problem that happens all too often. And when it does, it can crush your career and leave you feeling isolated, discouraged, and unsupported.

    It's a condition of modern workplaces where employees are frequently pushed out the door without ever receiving the feedback they need to be successful. And it's an epidemic because we're seeing more of it in today's work environment, where measuring performance is becoming more difficult than ever.

    The line between quiet firing and silent quitting has never been more blurred than it is today.

    Examples of quiet firing can include employers giving you less and less work or giving other employees everything that used to be yours to do so that you find yourself doing random tasks. Another example is when a company makes it clear that they don't want you to be part of their team by changing your email address or office location.

    While quiet firing is often viewed as the best way to terminate an employee, it might present some legal issues for a company. Furthermore, it might also demoralize and upset other employees working hard to make their company successful.

    In both cases, it seems like employers are taking a passive approach when they should be taking an active one. Instead of fostering open lines of communication with employees who have concerns about how they're being treated, employers seem to be doing everything they can to avoid having those conversations.

    This method or practice is counterproductive because it takes away from employees' ability to do their jobs at a standard of excellence while also giving them more than what they have to give—which led us to this burnout epidemic in the first place.

    I think it's time we acknowledge that there's something wrong with this situation and that we need to change things. If you're an employer, let's discuss the issues affecting our workplaces. Let's have some difficult conversations to work together to improve things for everyone.

  • 07 Nov 2022 11:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Keeping your team members motivated is a challenge that all managers face. In fact, there's no one-size-fits-all solution to keeping the employees on your team happy and engaged in their work. However, if you're looking for ways to keep your people engaged, consider the organizational membership with the ATD Atlanta Chapter. Here are just a few of the benefits:

    Organizational membership is a great way to provide yourself and your team with the opportunity to join a community of people who are also interested in being experts in your field.

    Joining ATD Atlanta connects you to others locally and with ATD National, which provides its members with opportunities for continuing education, networking opportunities and professional development through conferences, webinars and more.

    As an organizational member you can enhance your own knowledge by attending educational events that are offered through the chapter's annual conference or other events throughout the year. You can also network with other organizational members at these events as well as any number of networking activities offered by ATD Chapters across the country.

    By becoming an active participant in this organization's community, you will be able to learn from others while sharing your own expertise among like-minded individuals who share similar goals and interests.

    Organizational membership is a great way to take advantage of networking opportunities with other businesses.

    One of the best ways to keep your team motivated is to do business with other businesses. Organizational membership gives you access to a network of professionals in your field, who can help you advance your career and get ahead of the competition. You’ll also be able to meet people who can help you with your business, letting you make valuable connections that could lead to new customers or clients.

    You might be surprised at some of the other benefits that come from Organizational membership: it’s an easy way for employees on your team to expand their professional development experience, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and an improved bottom line for the company as well as individual members of staff.

    Organizational membership is a great way to advance your career.

    You could take your membership one step further and become a leader or committee member. A leadership role is a great way to advance your career, and you'll have the opportunity to meet other members who are also interested in advancing their careers. You can gain valuable experience leading meetings and committees, which will help you build up your resume.

    • Networking: An organizational membership allows you to network with others who share the same interests as you do through social events such as happy hours and formal dinners. You'll also be able to connect with other professionals who are looking for mentors within their organizations by reaching out via social media platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn!
    • Learning from other members: It's always helpful when we're surrounded by others who have similar experiences as us because they can help guide us through any issues that might arise along our journey towards success. This is especially true if those people happen to hold positions of power within organizations where we'd like someday ourselves (or maybe even today!).
    • Learning from chapter leadership: Another benefit of being part of an organization such as ours is having access not just

    Organizational membership is a great way to support the mission of the ATD Atlanta Chapter.

    Your employees will be more engaged in the organization’s goals if they see the benefits of those goals on a daily basis. An organizational membership is a great way to support the mission of the ATD Atlanta Chapter, as we are dedicated to helping companies achieve their business objectives through talent development.

    Organizational membership can be customized to meet your needs... 

    Whether you're looking for additional advertising in newsletters and emails, an opportunity for memberships at a discounted rate, or networking opportunities that provide real value to your company.

    Organizational membership is a great way to support the mission of the ATD Atlanta Chapter. By becoming a Corporate/Organizational member, you can help us raise funds for our programs and partner with us in making your community a better place.

    Organizational membership is also a great way to advance your career by networking with other businesses and learning from leading experts in the field. In fact, 80% of senior executives who attend events offered by ATD find it useful or very useful in their jobs!

    Finally, becoming an organizational member can offer many other benefits that may not be immediately apparent on first glance but could be very valuable to small companies looking to build relationships with larger ones as well as large businesses seeking new partnerships:

    If you want to keep your team motivated and on track, Organizational membership is a great way to do it. We know that working together as a team is one of the most important parts of being successful in any business. The ATD Atlanta Chapter can help you achieve all these goals by providing access to resources like networking opportunities, educational workshops on topics like leadership development or managing change successfully (just to name a few), discounts on conference attendance fees at other ATD chapters around the country, and more!

    Contact [email protected] so we can start working together toward your organizational needs!

  • 02 Oct 2022 8:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As the days grow shorter and the leaves start to change color, that can only mean one thing - it's Fall! Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back in season, the temps are cooler, and our chapter is in the midst of change. In this update, you'll find information on new chapter leadership, upcoming events, and how to participate in the annual chapter survey. So grab your favorite cozy blanket and settle in for a quick read.

    We've welcomed new leadership this term, and they're hard at work planning upcoming events and updates for the chapter. The annual chapter survey is also coming up soon, so be on the lookout for information on how to participate. In the meantime, watch the video message from our President, Allison Baldwin and be sure to register for upcoming events.

    We're excited to kick off this Fall season and can't wait to see all that our members accomplish. Be sure to stay tuned for more updates by following us on social media and checking your email regularly. As always, feel free to reach out to any member of the board if you have questions or would like more information about getting involved.

  • 19 Jun 2022 10:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This post is brought to you by our Alliance Partner

    By: Ndege Diamond

    As a developer I often get questions about the future. Specifically, how much time it would take me to develop an (often nebulously conceptualized) eLearning course in Storyline. A good rule of thumb is that it will take a bit more than an hour of production for every minute of limited interaction course time. That doesn’t include developing a storyboard (or script) or custom content. Custom content can include audio narration, icons that are specific to the content of the course, or custom video content.

    Sometimes, the final number can be a shock to a stakeholder or client, and it can cause the budget to be in jeopardy. So, let’s talk about some ways you can reduce a project’s production time. To do that, we need to first cover the steps included in producing a course. The steps can broadly be grouped into Preproduction, Production, and Revision stages. Preproduction includes building the course template, sourcing images, graphics, and audio. Production consists of adding the actual images/graphics and text, layout, and animation. Interactive elements such as buttons, quizzes, and scenarios are set up during production as well. Revisions involve testing, fixing errors found during testing, changing content after client review, and final publication (e.g., LMS, web).

    You can cut down on preproduction time by using preexisting content as a resource. Obviously if there is already an eLearning template available that you can reuse, then that’s a considerable reduction in the amount of time spent in this step. But even something like a well-made PowerPoint template can be leveraged as a resource. In addition, if a previously curated library of images that apply to the subject is available, then that cuts down on the time a developer needs to spend sourcing them.

    Reducing production time can be a bit trickier. Again, if there’s already an eLearning course, that can be a huge time saver. Consider if the eLearning needs can be met by building around or updating a pre-existing eLearning course. If you have learning assets in the form of PowerPoint presentations, consider leveraging them as well. Storyline can import PowerPoint files, which can potentially save on production time.

    From a production standpoint it’s harder to reduce revision time. If something needs to be fixed, then you just need to fix it. It’s not impossible, though. Just like the other steps, leveraging pre-existing content can shorten this process. I’ve worked on a few projects where a PowerPoint presentation was developed and approved by the client and then handed off to me. I then imported the PowerPoint into Storyline, took care of any conversion issues, and added interactivity. Since the content had already been approved, the revision process only addressed reviewing for proper functionality. Another way to reduce revisions is to be diligent about the content in the preproduction phase. Changing an image or paragraph of text in a storyboard is a lot more time efficient than changing it once it’s been added as content in the final course.

    The bottom line is the future looks good if you can leverage your resources to reduce overall development time.

    Get more tips from Judge Learning Solutions!

  • 01 Jun 2022 7:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Many have heard about certificates and certifications.

    What’s the difference?

    According to the Talent Development Body of Knowledge (TDBoK, 2020), “A certificate is earned by acquiring knowledge. Course attendance is often the only requirement, although a test or project may be required. Individuals receive a certificate that never expires; however, they are not “certified,” which is a designation only bestowed on those who are in practice, such as a CPA.

    “Certification is a program that is administered by a non-governmental organization and assess whether an individual has the knowledge and skill to perform a role measured against a set standard. The administering body grants individuals a credential for a specified period of time. Certification is available to those who meet predetermined, standardized criteria, and the knowledge required to pass an assessment is learned through classes, self-study, and experience. The assessment is independent of a class or training program. To retain the credential, recipients must meet renewal requirements.”

    In plain English:

    One you receive for completing a lesson, program of study, participating in a class or event. You get a lovely piece of paper to hang on your wall, and it never expires, there is no required maintenance to keep it.

    The other requires self-study and experience in that industry, to pass a rigorous exam created by industry experts. You receive industry recognized designation of letters to place after your name, like CPA, APTD, SHRM, etc.

    What are the benefits?

    Depending on your area of expertise, location, and experience level, most certifications can result in a nice bump of salary or desirability to hiring managers.

    Why Did I Choose to Get Certified?

    After I finished up my masters, I went to work as an ID in a newly forming Talent Development department…WOW, if only I knew then what I know now…

    Bottom line, I knew instructional design. I knew training, facilitation, and coaching. I knew about evaluations and technology. But Talent Development is a very large, all-encompassing, different bag of nuts and I quickly realized I had a ton of best practice gaps that were leaking water from my lifeboat like a sieve!

    I realized that if I wanted to succeed in the Talent Development arena and become a trusted business partner, I needed to close those gaps, and quickly!

    So…. da da da daaaaaa…. Enters the APTD certification!

    I asked the question of several people, “Why did you get certified?” They answered, “To provide credibility, validate my expertise, leverage my knowledge and grow my skills, fill gaps, get noticed by hiring managers, etc.”

    According to a recent search on, 54 jobs appeared for APTD, 104 for CPTD, 249 for CPLP (I guess they don’t know the title of the certification changed to CPTD), 5127 for PMP certified, and 2,729 SHRM certification.

    What does it all mean?

    It looks to me that certification is becoming a regular either job requirement or preferred job qualification!

    So, if someone wants to make sure they stand out from the crowd, it might be beneficial to find an industry recognized certification showing up in job postings for your desired role, make a plan to go for it!!!

  • 17 May 2022 5:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Ndege Diamond, Creative Lead  

    One of the interesting and maybe ironic things I’ve found about designing eLearning is, in many cases, if the job is done well, the design itself is never noticed. I’m not saying that someone who engages in a well-designed eLearning course shouldn’t appreciate the work that went into it, but that the design should serve to present the content seamlessly to the learner. In other words, the design should be the background, pushing the content forward.   

    In his book Don’t Make Me Think, Steve Krug has a great analogy for user experiences on the web that resonated with me. He asks the reader to think about having to rent a car with entirely different controls than usual, e.g., the gas pedal is on the left and the horn is on the door instead of the steering wheel. To get anywhere, you would need to adjust how you would normally operate a car significantly.  

    To take this analogy further, imagine if once you find the horn on the door of the car, you push it only to realize it controls the windshield wipers. Instead of getting the usual feedback you expect from your car driver experience, you get unexpected results. You would be so busy dealing with the controls and how to use them that you wouldn’t enjoy the journey. You would probably get to the destination (if you were lucky!) and be glad it was over.  

    I didn’t start writing this intending to make a car analogy, but I think it illustrates the point. If taking an eLearning course is a journey, then a good designer will make sure the controls the learner uses to navigate are located and work as expected, so they can enjoy the scenery in the form of content presentation and get to the desired “destination.”  

    Great design is also about keeping the learner “focused on the road.” My philosophy when designing a course is to choose design elements that enable learners to give their attention to the task at hand rather than being distracted by the choice of colors or fonts for the graphics and text. This is not to say the design or course itself should be forgettable. Quite the opposite; it should communicate information quickly and efficiently. There is plenty of room for creating memorable moments in eLearning, but those moments are much more effective when they are easily accessible and readable rather than drowned out by a cacophony of poor design choices and inexplicable controls. 

    Check out more resources and publications from our partners at Judge Learning. 

    Read More

  • 01 Apr 2022 6:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Volunteering: What’s in it for You?

    There are hundreds of articles on the internet that will tell you the benefits of volunteering.  Many include numbered lists for why you should volunteer.  These are typically targeted towards physical labor volunteering or the kind that takes you overseas to some remote jungle location.  I thought I would give you my take on volunteering for a professional organization, what those benefits are, why I started, and why I’m still doing it.

    Building Self-Esteem

    I identify with this one.  Who doesn’t like to be thanked?  What about being thanked for something that seems really easy to you but is a big deal to someone else?  The types of tasks I perform for ATD are usually within my skillset. However, someone is always really grateful to receive assistance with the project.  Being helpful and using my skills feels good!

    Moved by a Cause or Giving Back

    Thank goodness for these folks!  There are those who feel that they were helped along the way by professionals in ATD or other professional organizations and they want to pay it forward.  Volunteering is a great way to do that.

    Try out a New Skill or Leadership

    Volunteering is the perfect place to attempt something new.  Maybe you are a software programmer, and you’d like to try project management.  Or you’d like to showcase your leadership skills but don’t have the opportunity in your current position.  These items will look great on your resume and LinkedIn profile.  Employers do notice!

    Get out of Your Comfort Zone and Increase Social Skills

    I have to admit this was me.  I didn’t want to volunteer, and I was intimidated by the people.  I started taking minutes at Board meetings and would barely make a sound.  Now I’m very knowledgeable about past processes and the bylaws.  You’ll be amazed by how little time It takes to become accustomed to a new role.  You weren’t comfortable driving a car the first time you tried it, were you?

    Sense of Community and Networking

    Sure, you can build community and network by just coming to meetings (in-person according to your comfort level).  This community-building works better and sticks if you volunteer.  When people work together toward a common goal, you develop a bond.  These are the people who will recommend you for a job or help you with your resume.  I’ve been recommended for jobs and helped and been helped with resumes and portfolios. These types of connections will build a community that you can call on in an emergency.

    Job Prospects and Mentorship

    I believe this is one of the more common reasons people even join ATD. That’s ok.  The sad part is that as soon as a job is found, they leave.  If you expect to find a mentor or someone who might be willing to give you a job at ATD, then shouldn’t you also want to be a mentor or someone who might give someone a job?  Volunteering as a mentor is a great way to volunteer.  Mentorship allows you to bond really well with one person and influence their life and career.

    Volunteering is Good for the Community

    Everyone benefits in a community when the volunteer pool is healthy.  At Greater Atlanta ATD, there are programs and initiatives in place to draw us together and help us work together.  We work with businesses, universities, and other philanthropic organizations.  All these connections make a stronger, healthier Atlanta.  Similarly, some are motivated by helping people and knowing they are making a difference for individuals.  ATD hosts programming to develop skill sets among all levels of learners. 

    Enjoy the Work and Have Fun

    Enjoy doing work for free?  Am I serious?  Yes, there are those out there who enjoy what they do so much that they will do it in their free time and donate to the common good.  I’m thinking of computer programmers who program and post free software on the internet for anyone to use.  They do it for the joy of figuring it out and making it work.  You should have fun at whatever volunteer work you choose.  The best volunteers find the most joy in what they are doing.

         Nora has been volunteering with the Greater Atlanta chapter of ATD since 2016. She believes everyone should volunteer if only to gain the knowledge of what it takes to provide the programming and services the chapter provides. It has been a wonderful and beneficial experience for Nora and she'd love to tell you more about it during one of her Volunteer Engagement calls.
  • 07 Mar 2022 8:52 AM | Anonymous

    As a community of Training & OD professionals, ATD Greater- Atlanta Chapter wants to help you be celebrated, enhance your professional brand, and continually elevate the perception of the profession. Additionally, we want to empower professionals to develop talent in the workplace and inspire best practices in others.

    So what are some Best Practices for Employee Engagement? According to the 2022 Inspirus Trends & Forecasts Report  which uses the collective wisdom and thought leadership of its' members to reveal what is trending and how these trends will impact the future of industries . Let's take a peek!!

    When focusing on Strategy for example, there seems to be a critical need for organizations to   find a balance between their on-site business needs and the needs of their employees (who desire remote flexibility). Still, while employers certainly need to consider employee needs and preferences, they must also ensure that they are adequately addressing business needs. Has your organization implemented any of these strategies for enticing employees back into the workplace, as needed, for business-critical tasks? 

    • Craft a back-to-work strategy Offer a place of community
    • Motivate by using rewards and recognition Communicate consistently, with transparency
    • Focus on diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) to represent  all employees
    • Incorporate change management strategies

    Aligning HR priorities with ever-changing business goals in 2022 really boils down to focusing on the employees and their needs.

  • 03 Mar 2022 10:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Written by: James Lovas

    Dale Carnegie in his book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living wrote that one of the best ways to fight worry and find happiness is to "Find yourself and Be Yourself". He says "Never before, since the beginning of time, has there ever been anybody exactly like you; and never again throughout all the ages to come will there ever be anybody exactly like you again." (Carnegie 134). I found that a big part of being myself is embracing my love of learning and training. Through a few of my stories I hope to encourage you to embrace who you are.

    Find Your Place of Peace

    Back in 2019, I needed to find a new home. Finding the right place is stressful! My girlfriend Lindsey went with me on the apartment search and helped me understand that it's okay to be honest with myself about what I really liked. Snapping turtles!

    The place I picked is right next to a park where I snapped that photo of a snapping turtle. The park is a wonderful place for long walks to exercise my mind, body, and soul. It was liberating to embrace my love of walking. Find the place where you find peace and you'll find rest for your soul.

    Find your Happy Work

    For me my Happy Work is learning. The summer before my high school senior year, I attended Georgia's Governors Honors Program, where along with several hundred of my peers I took summer classes for the pure joy of learning. I felt so free at not being graded on my work. I could be creative, I could stretch myself, and I could choose subjects just because they were interesting. I learned that learning could be a way of life, and that summer I decided to make it so! Find your Happy Work and a sense of accomplishment will be always be yours.

    Find How You Love Serving Others

    In the autumn of 2020, my colleagues presented on the importance of a growth mindset, the mentality that never complacently accepts the status quo but always seeks to improve. I said to myself, "That's me! That's what I've been doing since high school. I find learning and growth so viscerally satisfying that I want to help as many other people as I can grow into the best versions of themselves!" Thus I wrote my career mission statement, "to nurture others' strengths to equip them to solve fun and interesting problems." Find how you love serving others and you can make a true impact.

    Grow Loving Relationships

    In the summer of 2021 I read Keith Ferazzi's book Never Eat Alone. For Ferazzi, the best way to achieve your goals is to  grow respectful, loving relationships with as many relevant people as you can. His ideas were like rocket fuel for my efforts to pivot my career to learning and training. I've gotten to know my organization's leaders in the learning and training space, and through them have found some fun opportunities like:

    • Mentoring and coaching junior employees
    • Facilitating onboarding training
    • Transferring to supporting our global learning strategy as my full-time role

    I joined ATD Atlanta to meet as many people as I can in the learning and training space! Grow deep relationships with others and you too will grow.

    Find How to Tell Your Story

    Last year I completed the Dale Carnegie Course in leadership and public speaking. In each course session, the participants tell a two minute story from their own experience. The story must end with a call to action, a principle on how to live better. 

    I love reading history books. Every two weeks I illustrate a principle on love and leadership with a story from history or popular culture on my blog, Whimsical Learning ( I love reaching and inspiring people. That's why I wrote this post! Tell your authentic story to a wide audience, and you'll find your tribe

    I'm looking forward to getting to know the ATD Atlanta community and hearing y'all's stories!

 Chapter ChIP Code CH9047

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